
Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme
Centre Camille Jullian
UMR 7299
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From Hydrology to Hydroarchaeology in the Ancient Mediterranean : An Interdisciplinary Approach

Edited by Giovanni Polizzi, Vincent Ollivier, Sophie Bouffier

From Hydrology to Hydroarchaeology in the Ancient Mediterranean : An Interdisciplinary Approach / Polizzi Giovanni, Ollivier Vincent et Bouffier Sophie (dir.). Oxford : Archaeopress, 2022 (Archaeology), 166 p.
ISBN 9781803273747 (impr.), 9781803273754 (e-PDF)

From Hydrology to Hydroarchaeology in the Ancient Mediterranean : An interdisciplinary approach is devoted to the study of water management in ancient cities. It compares the approaches and methods adopted by researchers from different disciplinary sectors to identify the water conditions of past societies and to highlight the measures they have taken to adapt to their water resources. Deriving from an interdisciplinary meeting held in Aix-en-Provence (Mediterranean House of Human Sciences) in 2019, it brings together seven articles that present the innovative results of collaborations between archaeologists and environmental scientists, geologists, geomorphologists, and climatologists in particular. After an introduction that situates the discussions conducted in Aix-en-Provence within the framework of the Watertraces project, funded by the A*Midex foundation (Aix-Marseille University), most of the articles focus on the Sicilian situation. An initial synthesis covers all aspects of the question, followed by four case studies ranging from the 4th century BC to the 1st century AD. Case studies on Agrigento, Termini Imerese/Thermai Himerenses, Alesa/Halaesa, Solunte and Tyndaris are presented. The focus then moves to southern Italy (the Terme di Baia), and to Aegean Greece (the sanctuary at Delphi).


Sophie Bouffier and Vincent Ollivier : Introduction - p. 1
Salvatore Pasta, Giuseppe D’Amore, Cipriano Di Maggio, Gaetano Di Pasquale, Vincenza Forgia,
Alessandro Incarbona, Giuliana Madonia, César Morales-Molino, Silvio Giuseppe Rotolo, Luca Sineo,
Claudia Speciale, Attilio Sulli, Willy Tinner and Matteo Vacchi : The Impact of Climate, Resource Availability, Natural Disturbances and Human Subsistence. Strategies on Sicilian Landscape Dynamics During the Holocene - p. 8
Patrizia Bova, Antonio Contino and Giuseppe Esposito : Analyse historique des variations du débit provoqué par les séismes pendant les siècles XVe–XXe : le cas de Termini Imerese (Sicile centro-septentrionale) - p. 61
Aurelio Burgio : Le risorse idriche nel territorio di Alesa - p. 76
Luca Zambito : Aquae caldae. Note sparse sul termalismo e lo sfruttamento delle acque sulfuree nel territorio a est di Agrigento tra archeologia e paletnologia - p. 91
Giovanni Polizzi, Vincent Ollivier, Olivier Bellier, Edwige Pons-Branchu and Michel Fontugne : Archaeology and Hydrogeology in Sicily : Solunt and Tindari - p. 102
Daniele De Simone : Baia (Bacoli-NA) : l’acqua e il suo utilizzo nel complesso delle Terme romane - p. 127
Amélie Perrier, Isabelle Moretti and Luigi Piccardi : Natural Risks and Water Management in Delphi - p. 143