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Zambratija, Prehistoric Swen Boat

ed. by I. Koncani Uhač, G. Boetto, M. Uhač

Zambratija : Prapovijesni šivani brod, Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija = Prehistoric Sewn Boat, Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study / ed. by I. Koncani Uhač, G. Boetto, M. Uhač. Pula : Arheološki muzej Istre, 2019. 210 p. (Monografije i katalozi ; 33).
ISBN 978-953-8082-50-4

Introduction (Extrait)

The underwater archaeological site in the Zambratija Cove, to which this publication is dedicated, dates back to the prehistoric era. It is a unique find of a wellpreserved sewn boat.
The discovery, as well as the results of the multi-year research program on the prehistoric boat of Zambratija,
has opened a new chapter of nautical archaeology in the Adriatic region.
Archaeologists carried out an initial underwater investigation in the summer of 2008. At a depth of around 2 m
and under a layer of sand, the remains of a “sewn” vessel were revealed. The analyses of wood samples have
shown that the boat dates back to the prehistoric era. The provided date drew much attention in archaeological
circles at home and abroad and the site has become one of the most important archaeological wrecksites, not merely in the Adriatic, but throughout the Mediterranean...

Table des matières

Predgovor / Foreword

Darko Komšo

Uvod / Introduction

Urednici / Editors

 I. Povijest istraživanja i metodologija / History of Research and Methodology

Zambratija – podmorski arheološki istraživački projekt / Zambratija – underwater archaeological
research project
Ida Koncani Uhač, Marko Uhač

Digitalna fotogrametrija nalazišta / Digital photogrammetry of the site
Vincent Dumas, Giulia Boetto

 II. Brod / The Boat

Brodska konstrukcija / The hull structure
Giulia Boetto, Marko Uhač, Ida Koncani Uhač

Preliminarno istraživanje tragova alata / A preliminary study of tool marks
Axel Eeckman

Preliminarna rekonstrukcija / Preliminary reconstruction
Pierre Poveda, Giulia Boetto

Eksperimentalna izrada sekcije broda / Experimental construction of a boat section
Marko Uhač, Ida Koncani Uhač

 III. Datiranje i tehnologija brodogradnje / Dating and Shipbuilding Technology

Datiranje / Dating
Frédéric Guibal, Christine Oberlin, Alba Ferreira Dominguez, Giulia Boetto

Identifikacija drva / Wood identification
Alba Ferreira Domínguez, Giulia Boetto, Frédéric Guibal, Carine Cenzon-Salvayre

Identifikacija materijala korištenih za vodonepropusnost broda / Identification of waterproofing materials
Stéphanie Wicha, Régine Verlaque

Molekularno istraživanje vodonepropusnih tvari / Molecular study of waterproofing agents
Armelle Charrié-Duhaut

 IV. Paleobotaničke analize / Paleobotanical Analyses

Analiza peludi u zaštitnom premazu / Pollen analysis of protection pitch
Valerie Andrieu-Ponel

Arheobotanička analiza / Archaeobotanical analysis
Renata Šoštarić, Ida Koncani Uhač

 V.Kulturno-povijesni kontekst / Cultural and Historical Context

Brod u kontekstu kasnog brončanog/željeznog doba Istre (arheološko-povijesna slika istarskog
prostora) / The boat in the context of the Late Bronze/Iron Age of Istria (an archaeological/historical survey
of the Istrian region)
Kristina Mihovilić

Brod Zambratija u kontekstu drevnih tradicija šivanih brodova na Mediteranu / The Zambratija boat in the context of ancient Mediterranean sewn-boat traditions
Giulia Boetto, Patrice Pomey

Zaključna razmatranja / Concluding remarks
Urednici / Editors

Rječnik osnovnih pojmova arheologije broda korištenih u radu / Glossary of the principal nautical terms used in the volume
Urednici / Editors

Bibliografija / Bibliography

Autori / Contributors